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012 - 14th May 2024

·3 mins

Over the last week or so, whilst travelling and enjoying Wicked the musical, maps were ever present. #

The first, as the stage curtain for Wicked, which helped to set the scene for the ensuing entertainment.

Wicked curtain

The second was hiking through the area surrounding Mt Barney along Cronin Creek, knowing that my navigation was taken care of All Trails.
All Trails
Mt Barney Creek

How far mapping in daily life has come! Rest assured, I am currently using QGIS to plan my 3 Capes walk to help me understand the elevation, the effort and to look out for special landmarks along the way (still in draft form!).
3 Capes

Events #

Voting closes soon on 24th May for the FOSS4G SotM Oceania logo! Click here to vote

Want to know what a QGIS Event may look like, here’s GeoGeeks post from thier get together last month. FOMO!


QGIS AU News #

QGIS AU User Group Meet-up #

We are currently looking at venues for our meet-up so we would like to get an idea of numbers - let us know if you will be likely to attend here.


Unanswered questions #

QGIS Project News #

QGIS Grants #

Ongoing funding for the QGIS Grants may occur thanks to QGIS Denmark and with interest from QGIS Germany. This means that the next QEP on the list, Annonations, will get funding with the possibility that Authenitication may also get some funds.

So check-out our generous sister QGIS User Group - QGIS Denmark. They are a Flagship sponsor of QGIS - this means they contributed €27000 or more.
This could be partially funded as to be a member of their User Group, requires payment of:

  • Corporate membership (3500 kr. / year)
  • Personal membership (250 kr. / year)
  • Membership for students, job seekers and pensioners (50 DKK / year)

They also run monthly courses with a provider who contributes part of the fee to their user group.

QGIS User Conference #

There are a couple of people going from our region to the QGIS User Conference, 9-10 September, Bratislava, Slovakia.
To give you an idea of the cost:

  • Early bird tickets are €199
  • An approximation of flights from Australia may cost around the $3-4k mark
  • Accommdation will depend on the style you are chasing

To find out more, check out the Attending page for links to accommodation and visa information.

Jobs #

Algorithms and Geometry #

The Conversation is a great daily read and on the one day they discussed Why algorithms are call algorithms and Euclid’s Geometry - it was a very good day!

Hints and Tips #

#30DaysOfQGIS #

Follow the guru Ujavel Gandhi and his team from Spatial Thoughts on their #30DaysOfQGIS quest! Spend 30 minutes a day learning something about QGIS.
In it he will cover 4 Modules:

  • Processing Toolbox
  • Graphical Modeler
  • Advanced Visualisation for 2D/3D animations
  • Expressions

Golf Tragics - save your strokes with QGIS! #

For Golf Tragics out there - you can use QGIS to create a Golf Course Stroke Saver!

  • Start at 5min to skip over installing QGIS.
  • If you already have Quick Map Services loaded, skip to 6.55min.

Newsletter Content #

Finding these emails boring and want to contribute some content? You can provide an interest story, a report on an event or a technical instruction. Head to the Content Contrbution form to fill in your contribution. We will then contact you to run through the contribution.