
Community support

There are many free community resources available through mailing lists, YouTube videos, free tutorials and more! Check out our Resources and the QGIS Contact and Support page for more information.

Commercial support

If you need professional support, there are many options available. The QGIS project maintains a register of recognised QGIS support providers. There are a few Australian companies on this list.

This list includes Australian QGIS core contributors:

NorthRoad logo

Giving back

Sustaining members are financial contributors to the QGIS project, providing about 2/3 of the total project budget.

Current Australian QGIS Sustaining members

QGIS Sustaining membership program

The QGIS Sustaining membership program provides a mechanism for individuals, businesses, and organisations to financially support the development and maintenance of QGIS.

Contributions help support things like:
  • paying developers to fix bugs
  • an annual grant programme that pays for substantial improvements to the QGIS project
  • hosting fees for server infrastructure
  • improvements to upstream libraries that QGIS depends on
  • a full time web infrastructure maintainer
  • a full time documentation writer

If your organisation uses QGIS, please consider becoming a sustaining member. It's an inexpensive way to help ensure this incredible free software continues to thrive for many years to come.